Crystalline Wines.

Crystalline Selections started out by traveling extensively in Germany, France and Italy, making friends with small wine growing families all along the way. They shared their wines and stories with us, making our trips even more memorable and we could hardly wait to go back to Europe each year to enjoy their wines as they were not available in the USA.  Though in the wine business, we were not importers at the time and so did our best to find them an outlet in the US.  Sorting through a lot of politics, inertia and red tape, we were unfortunately not able to find the perfect match.   We believed deeply in the wines and the people behind them, feeling badly that we were not able to help them more, so we decided to buy one pallet from a long standing friend. We thought,  if didn’t sell we would always have a new house wine we really liked for the indefinite future.  Thankfully, it sold rather quickly and we began buying more wine from our friends in Europe to sell to our friends in the US, who worked for restaurants or wine shops or simply just loved wine.  We were suddenly in the import business, but with no name for our company.  We decided on Crystalline Selections for the purity, transparency and earnestness that all of our wines and growers shared regardless of their location.  Each was authentic but not pretentious and coaxed from the grape with a judicious blend of traditional and modern techniques a well-crafted wine without being obsessed about points, certification or trends. We hope you enjoy these carefully selected, much loved wines as much as we do. 

​How we got here.